Buongiorno a tutti,
Attualmente uso i DNS di NTT (ipv4) con cui mi sto trovando bene soprattutto lato gaming, (Cod/Warzone) usandoli ho notato una netta diminuzione del ping a livello matchmaking (40ms) rispetto a tutti i DNS o a quelli di default di PF (Google e cloudflare) 50/55 ms.
Volevo usare i rispettivi DNS anche su IPv6 e gli ho trovati:
il problema è che rispondono della Germania (Francoforte?).
Possibile che i DNS ipv4 rispondono da Milano e la loro controparte IPv6 in Germania?
Ho notato anche che da un mesetto i DNS di quad9 adesso rispondono da Milano. Grazie per ogni possibile chiarimento

    Enes mi sa che viene usato HE in IPv6 invece che il transit NTT...

    • Enes ha risposto a questo messaggio

      MN00AA ho controllato passa per NTT de

      • MN00AA ha risposto a questo messaggio

        Buongiorno a tutti! Sapreste dirmi di più riguardo questi DNS? Voi li avete impostati sul dispositivo o direttamente dal modem? E quali sono i vantaggi?

        • GiaNN ha risposto a questo messaggio

          Enes no sta passando per HE appunto, e' che non si vede perche' HE fa ICMP rate limiting molto pesante, sarebbero quelle richieste scadute. Poi HE ti porta da NTT in Germania appunto.

          Enes non capisco come possano essere collegati dns e ping in gioco...

          DeltaFoxtMike i vantaggi generalmente sono una maggiore privacy di alcuni rispetto ad altri, ad esempio ora che quad9 risponde da Settimo Milanese non capisco il senso di usare cloudfare o Google che sono molto più invasivi della privacy.
          Poi c'è anche la questione DNSSEC, protezione dai malware e altri servizi che certi DNS offrono mentre altri no.
          @PF-Matteo visto che ci sono, come mai avete scelto cloudfare e Google invece che altro? O invece che farne uno interno per PF?

          • Enes ha risposto a questo messaggio
          • MN00AA ha messo mi piace.

            GiaNN non ne ho la minima idea, ma la noto solo con Cod su altri giochi dove puoi scegliere i server di gioco non cambia assolutamente nulla, magari può essere che Cod ha molti server sparsi per tutta Europa e scelga le lobby in base al DNS (sto ipotizzando da ignorante in materia). Su Warzone quando avevo Wind3 mettevo i DNS di level 3 che rispondevano da Francoforte e puntualmente mi metteva su server tedeschi, invece con i DNS Wind3 nei server finlandesi 🤣😅
            Bella come idea DNS di PF

            MN00AA 😅 ah, si potrebbe modificare il percorso per farli rispondere da Milano come i server ipv4? Come con i quad9

            • MN00AA ha risposto a questo messaggio

              Enes Ciao,
              potresti dirmi i DNS ipv4 di NTT....Grazie.....

              • MN00AA ha risposto a questo messaggio

                Mandatemi mail con i dns e lo faccio controllare lunedì o martedì 😇

                • Enes ha risposto a questo messaggio
                • MN00AA ha messo mi piace.

                  Enes spostato su NTT, ma ho il sospetto che non siano realmente a Milano i DNS, ma siano, come li vede Hurricane, in germania

                  @caldera1 ~]# traceroute -A 2001:418:3ff::53
                  traceroute to 2001:418:3ff::53 (2001:418:3ff::53), 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
                  1 (2a02:29e0:1:2::1) [AS49367] 1.432 ms 1.407 ms 1.390 ms
                  2 (2a02:29e0:255::e) [AS49367] 0.207 ms 0.194 ms 0.178 ms
                  3 ae-27.r00.mlanit02.it.bb.gin.ntt.net (2001:728:0:5000::1696) [AS2914] 14.410 ms 14.399 ms 14.617 ms

                  Come vedete anche se dice Milano, la latenza va da 0 a 14ms, quindi è palese che va in Germania

                    PF-Matteo Matteo scusa ma sono curioso, avete in mente di creare i vostri server DNS targati PF? In un futuro prossimo

                      Enes Non so dirti, non ho evidenza di questa parte, non è gestita direttamente da me

                      • Enes ha messo mi piace.

                      PF-Matteo i DNS di NTT Anycast sono in Italia anche per IPv6, e' che per il ritorno NTT passa addirittura da Cogent 😇 poi ha come alternato solo HE, e non sembrano esserci rotte dirette...

                      BGP routing table entry for 2a02:29e0:2::/48
                        Process           bRIB/RIB  SendTblVer
                        Speaker         3753858715  3753858715
                      Last Modified: Nov  7 11:19:13.635 for 6d06h
                      Paths: (22 available, best #15)
                        Advertised IPv6 Unicast paths to update-groups (with more than one peer):
                          0.4 0.19 0.24 0.31 
                        Advertised IPv6 Unicast paths to peers (in unique update groups):
                        Path #1: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        174 49367
                          2001:418:0:4000::36 (metric 18001) from 2001:418:0:1000::8 (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal, import-candidate
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1001 2914:2000 2914:3000 65504:174
                        Path #2: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        6939 49367
                          2001:504:0:4::6939:1 (metric 20914) from 2001:418:0:1000::9 (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1003 2914:2000 2914:3000 65504:6939
                        Path #3: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        174 49367
                          2001:418:0:4000::de (metric 20915) from 2001:418:0:1000::a (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal, import-candidate
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1003 2914:2000 2914:3000 65504:174
                        Path #4: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        174 49367
                          2001:550:3::15d (metric 21498) from 2001:418:0:1000::10 (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal, import-candidate
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1006 2914:2000 2914:3000 65504:174
                        Path #5: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        6939 49367
                          2001:504:0:1::6939:1 (metric 23000) from 2001:418:0:1000::1a (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1008 2914:2000 2914:3000 65504:6939
                        Path #6: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        174 49367
                          2001:418:0:4000::9a (metric 23001) from 2001:418:0:1000::1d (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal, import-candidate
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1008 2914:2000 2914:3000 65504:174
                        Path #7: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        6939 49367
                          2001:504:0:2::6939:1 (metric 18000) from 2001:418:0:1000::1e (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1001 2914:2000 2914:3000 65504:6939
                        Path #8: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        174 49367
                          2001:550:3::181 (metric 19788) from 2001:418:0:1000::21 (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal, import-candidate
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1011 2914:2000 2914:3000 65504:174
                        Path #9: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        174 49367
                          2001:550:3::9 (metric 23033) from 2001:418:0:1000::22 (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal, import-candidate
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1007 2914:2000 2914:3000 65504:174
                        Path #10: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        6939 49367
                          2001:504:d::10 (metric 23010) from 2001:418:0:1000::29 (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1008 2914:2000 2914:3000 65504:6939
                        Path #11: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        174 49367
                          2001:418:0:4000::52 (metric 18006) from 2001:418:0:1000::4b (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal, import-candidate
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1009 2914:2000 2914:3000 65504:174
                        Path #12: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        174 49367
                          2001:550:3::155 (metric 23006) from 2001:418:0:1000::6b (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal, import-candidate
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1005 2914:2000 2914:3000 65504:174
                        Path #13: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        174 49367
                          2001:550:3::a5 (metric 20859) from 2001:418:0:1000::78 (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal, import-candidate
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1002 2914:2000 2914:3000 65504:174
                        Path #14: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        174 49367
                          2001:418:0:4000::da (metric 21876) from 2001:418:0:1000::f009 (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal, import-candidate
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1004 2914:2000 2914:3000 65504:174
                        Path #15: Received by speaker 0
                        Advertised IPv6 Unicast paths to update-groups (with more than one peer):
                          0.4 0.19 0.24 0.31 
                        Advertised IPv6 Unicast paths to peers (in unique update groups):
                        174 49367
                          2001:978:3::41 (metric 5501) from 2001:728:0:1000::6 (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal, best, group-best, multipath, import-candidate
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 1, version 3671433487
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1201 2914:2202 2914:3200 65504:174
                        Path #16: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        6939 49367
                          2001:7f8:2a:0:2:1:0:6939 (metric 7489) from 2001:728:0:1000::f (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal, group-best
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1216 2914:2205 2914:3200 65504:6939
                        Path #17: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        174 49367
                          2001:728:0:4000::2 (metric 9001) from 2001:728:0:1000::13 (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal, import-candidate
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1205 2914:2204 2914:3200 65504:174
                        Path #18: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        6939 49367
                          2001:7f8:4::1b1b:1 (metric 9005) from 2001:728:0:1000::15 (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1203 2914:2201 2914:3200 65504:6939
                        Path #19: Received by speaker 0
                        Advertised IPv6 Unicast paths to update-groups (with more than one peer):
                        174 49367
                          2001:728:0:4000::9e (metric 5501) from 2001:728:0:1000::2d (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal, multipath, add-path, import-candidate
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 7, version 3671517022
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1215 2914:2214 2914:3200 65504:174
                        Path #20: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        174 49367
                          2001:978:3::189 (metric 9002) from 2001:728:0:1000::30 (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal, import-candidate
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1206 2914:2203 2914:3200 65504:174
                        Path #21: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        6939 49367
                          2001:7f8:d:ff::187 (metric 11510) from 2001:728:0:1000::31 (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1214 2914:2213 2914:3200 65504:6939
                        Path #22: Received by speaker 0
                        Not advertised to any peer
                        6939 49367
                          2001:7f8:f::61 (metric 11489) from 2001:728:0:1000::3b (
                            Origin IGP, metric 4294967294, localpref 100, valid, confed-internal
                            Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 0, version 0
                            Community: 2914:390 2914:1204 2914:2205 2914:3200 65504:6939